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From coffee chain waste to the plant based transition

Upcycled ingredient for the plant-based transition.

Client: PectCof
Date: Nov 2023 – Dec 2023
Sector: F&B B2B

The context

PectCof has developed a technology to transform the coffee pulp, a side stream of the coffee chain, into valuable bio-compounds used for the production of food ingredients, like emulsifiers and binders.

The client problem

“How can I create strengthen by unique value proposition and impact story to support the sustainable growth of my brand and up-cycled ingredients?”

Our approach

  • 1 month identifying opportunities for ingredient applications in alignment with policy and market trends;
  • 1 month advising on brand impact storytelling and sustainability certifications strategy.

Our solution

  • Product applications opportunities for growth: A sustainability policy and industry trends analysis shaped the prioritisation of ingredient applications opportunities that can be achieved with current capabilities.
  • Impact communication: A tailored communication storytelling was created to support: i) the product applications messages required to address key market challenges; and (ii) the fundraising communication materials.
  • B Corp Certification: Pre-assessment of B-corp certification requirements, in alignment with the new brand sustainability direction.