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Empower companies to drive sustainable growth.


A strong collaboration between the private sector, policy makers, scientists, and citizens that drives positive impact on people and planet.  

Marta Ottogalli


I am digital product manager passionate about digitising products and services in sustainability. My journey began at Cisco Systems, where I focused on legal-tech, knowledge management, new tech experiments, and digital services, implementing agile, UX, and design thinking frameworks. Later, I directed my efforts towards sustainability and policytech, leading the development and launch of the digital plastic pollution platform at UNEP. This platform aids governments, international organisations, the private sector, and civil society in defining, measuring, and reducing their environmental footprint.

gloria fiore


I am a marketer with experience in F&B multi-national and scale up settings. I started my journey at Unilever, first on Magnum, where I worked on the launch of the brand on food delivery platforms in EU and on innovation. Moving to the tea department, I developed tea category expansion strategies and, during a 6 months growth hacking course, guided digital tests to optimise media performance . I later joined Meatless Farm, plant-based meat scale up, where I was part of the sustainability squad and I worked on consumer research, campaigns and innovation projects. I now want to use my expertise to make sustainability happen at scale.


Operating from Amsterdam, we collaborate with a diverse global network of specialized consultants and partners.


We work with a network of consultants specialised in sustainability analysis (e.g. LCAs), markets (e.g. Netherlands) and market segments (e.g. HORECA). We believe the best team is the team that fits the objective of our client.


We are continuously establishing partnerships with a wide range of networks that can support the companies growth from VCs, incubators/ accelerators, food and circularity networks and more.


We provide an “all-in-one” experience to build your sustainability product, service and communication to prove your impact.

We are all about making sustainability topics easy for everyone. This is because we think that it’s crucial that we all understand how to be eco-friendly. In addition, even though we rely on science, we make sure to share information about success stories using everyday language.

We’re not just some outsiders; we become part of your team, like your very own sustainability manager. It’s all about teamwork!

By working closely together we can be really be agile and make sustainability happen.

Too often strategies are created without a vision on how to execute them. But not us! When we suggest an innovative idea or any other initiative, we’ve got a kick-ass network of partners ready to make it happen. The strategy we build are always actionable.

We don’t just focus on the small stuff; we’re all about the bigger picture when it comes to sustainability. Our approach goes way beyond calculating carbon footprints. We’ll be your trusty companions, guiding you step by step on your sustainability journey, making sure you make a positive impact on the environment and society.

The growth-mindset fuels every move we do and we team up with businesses to spot sustainability growth opportunities that lead to real progress.

We get that environmental and social initiatives can’t go the distance without economic sustainability in the mix. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where everyone wins and keeps on winning. For this we use growth hacking methodologies to test and learn on the most efficient way of doing marketing.

We’re not afraid to explore both sides of the coin, whether it’s the debate between meat and vegan meat or the choice between plastic-free or low GHG packaging. We want to show you both sides and give you our sustainability recommendations.

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